Best Welds 187GL2

Best Welds 187GL2

Regular price $99.00 Sale

Tungsten Electrodes, 1/8 in Dia., 7 in Long, Lanthanated Tungsten

Best Welds Tungsten Electrodes

Product Details:
Longer life than thoriated electrodes
Non-radioactive additives
Can be used in both AC and DC processes
Excellent arc starting and stability

Testing and Approvals:
Specifications: AWS A5.12M/A5.12:2009 (ISO 6848:2004 MOD) CSA W117.2-M87


Country of Origin CN
Dia. [Nom] 1/8 in
Hazmat NO
Length [Nom] 7 in
MPI Catalog YES
Material Lanthanated tungsten
Quantity 10 electrodes per pack
Wt. 10.0 oz